(905) 986-9663 kim@woodwindyachts.com

“Tjockis” – 1947 – 25′ Folkboat Sloop

VESSEL: 1947 – 25′ Folkboat Sloop “TJOCKIS”
OWNER: Klaas Tebbens, Ontario, Canada

PROJECT: Remove and replace approx. 20 ribs (scarfe repairing lower ribs where possible), 15 planks, numerous planking scarfe repairs, 5 floortimbres, additional floortimbre sections, keelson, sternpost, keelbolts, partial transom, superstructure, cockpit, interior, rubrails, toerails and hatches. The original decks are to be repaired, then overlaid with epoxy and cloth. The entire vessel is to be completely refastened, recaulked and refinished inside and out.

When I met “TJOCKIS” for the first time she was sadly sitting neglected outside, on an old farm trailer. Unsuccessful attempts of repair had been conducted on her, and now, with her ballast keel removed, had developed a severe twist down her length. I knew her last chance was to be brought to Woodwind Yachts …