Turangalila – 1964 – 25′ Folkboat Sloop
Varnished mahogany planking on steam-bent white oak ribs. Varnished mahogany superstructure, cockpit and interior. Varnished sitka spruce mast and boom. Marine plywood decks with fiberglass and paint overtop. Cast iron keel. Vessel comes complete with 4 sails (mainsail, genoa, jib and spinnaker – all in serviceable condition), mainsail cover, a 1994 Mercury 9.9 H.P., outboard motor (on transom bracket), 2 burner alcohol stove, old head (needs replacing), battery (with solar panel), depth-sounder (old), 2 bilge pumps, anchor, fenders, lines, cushions, etc. The old VHF and sumlog need replacing. She has a new wooden cradle.
“Turangalila” is in useable condition, but requires restoration and refinishing work to bring her back to excellent overall condition. She will need several new ribs, a new transom, some planking repairs, superstructure repairs (or replacement), misc. repairs throughout and refinishing to the new owner’s level of expectations.
Price reduced to $1,900.00 O.B.O.