Freya – 24′ Viking Sloop

CLASS: 24′ Viking Sloop
BUILT: Toronto, Ontario – 1937
PROJECT: Remove and replace the lower stem, deadwood, sternpost, 21 hull planks, 5 floortimbres, and the rubrails. Scarfe repair an additional 25 hull planks, along with 24 steam-bent oak ribs. Remove the cast iron ballast keel, then re-attach to vessel with new bronze keel bolts. Repair the transom, rudder, main hatch, broken interior cabinetry, 2 deck beams, cockpit trim and the mast. Strip, sand and refinish vessel and spars to owner’s specifications.
Many years ago, I acquired this classic old sloop from one of the sons of the builder. He could no longer sail her as she required extensive restoration to keep her afloat and operational, and he didn’t have the resources or the interest to finance this extensive project. I stored “Freya” indoors and advertised her for sale on my website for many years, but was unable to attract a suitable new owner. About 10 years later Mr. Jay Cross, another of the builder’s sons (now living in New York) contacted me regarding his father’s boat. He commissioned Woodwind Yachts to completely restore and refinish “Freya” back to excellent condition throughout. I was delighted that we were being given the chance to save this lovely classic sloop and return her to her original family, where she belongs !

“Freya” is brought into our shop, where we go over the extent of the project in detail.

The ballast keel, rudder and deadwood have been removed. Paint and varnish is being stripped off the exterior hull.

The ballast keel (laying on its side) has been sand-blasted and rust protected. The new deadwood is being fitted to the keel.

The ballast keel and new deadwood have been permanently re-attached using 3M 5200 adhesive and new bronze keel bolts.

The 1st of 5 new oak floortimbres has been made, using the original deteriorated one as a pattern.

The 1st new floortimbre has been sealed, painted and installed. This picture also shows 2 new ribs and 1 lower scarfed rib.

Many of the deteriorated planks have been removed and will be repaired or replaced. The upper stem is supported by a 6×6 beam during this stage of restoration.

When the planking at the bow was removed, we found that the lower stem had also decayed, and will require replacement.

The new lower stem and another floor timber have been made, sealed and painted – ready for installation.

The new lower stem is now installed, and we can now continue with the planking.

Her bow is now ‘buttoned-up’ again. Some new planks and some scarfed planks are shown in this picture.

Some severe deterioration was found beneath the paint in her starboard sheer plank amidships.

Framework beneath, along with a new starboard sheer plank were built, sealed and installed.

This picture shows badly deteriorated ribs beneath the planking which was removed.

A total of 24 ribs were either replaced or scarfe repaired (as shown in this picture). One new plank is shown installed.

A new starboard bottom plank has been made and is being trial fitted.

A total of 24 ribs were either replaced or scarfe repaired (as shown in this picture). One new plank is shown installed.

All hull re-planking is now complete.

The hull is now being re-caulked with cotton. Special caulking tools are used in this traditional process, along with the correct techniques.

Two coats of sealer have already been applied to the hull exterior. Here the last (3rd) coat of primer is being applied.

This picture shows the ‘shabby’ state of her interior.

After numerous repairs and some refinishing, her interior is much improved.

The bilge (along with the rest of the hull interior) were scraped, sealed and re-painted prior to re-assembly.

This picture shows the poor condition of the cockpit prior to the necessary repairs.

After the necessary repairs and refinishing, the cockpit shows quite an improvement !

“Freya” is now finished and outside in the sunshine for the 1st time in many years.

This close-up shows the lovely colour of the britework. All the original bronze hardware was polished and re-installed.

One of my favourite pictures of “Freya” outside in our yard. (prior to delivery)

“Freya” loaded on our hydraulic trailer. She will now be properly secured, along with her spars, then delivered to her home in New York.

“Freya” all rigged and sailing along nicely in Long Island Sound.

“Freya” after an afternoon sail, now at her mooring off Shelter Island, N. Y. All of us at Woodwind Yachts hope that her family will love her and care for her for generations to come!