1954 – 15′ Canadian “CHALLENGER”

Nice CANADIAN eh !
VESSEL: 1954 – 15′ Canadian “CHALLENGER”
OWNER: Neil & Lori Briggs, Ontario, Canada
PROJECT: Remove and replace 45 ribs, both full-length garboard planks, 9 additional planks, inner and outer keels, transom, transom knees, splashrails, decks, coamings and floorboards. Completely refinish vessel inside and out, re-chrome all hardware and restore Johnson outboard motor.
This beautiful double-cockpit cedarstrip runabout has been with the Brigg’s family since new and it gave us great pleasure to restore her for them.
She arrives at Woodwind Yachts in a sad state. The bottom had been fiberglassed to help keep her afloat the past few years.
By applying heat, the old fiberglass is carefully removed from the bottom planking, which, for the most part, is still in very good condition.
The fiberglass, garboard planks and keels have all been carefully removed. Fiberglass still covers the original transom.
After removal of the interior and the decks, the vessel is taken outside for the stripping of the interior varnish.
New ribs are being steam-bent into the vessel. The hull interior and the backs of all new ribs are sanded and sealed with 3 coats of thinned varnish prior to rib installation.
The new ribs, garboard planks and inner keel have all been installed, and the interior of the vessel now has 6 coats of varnish.
The bottom has now been painted as she was originally. The hull topsides and transom will receive varnish upside down.
Hull varnish is complete and the decals have been mounted beneath the final coat of varnish. Now the deck beams and dashboards are installed.
The new decks have been installed and varnished. Here the new forward oak coaming has been steam-bent and clamped into position.
With all her re-chromed hardware and restored engine installed, she sits gleaming awaiting pick-up from Woodwind Yachts.